You Said, We Did

We recognise how important it is for us to engage with you and listen to experiences of applying to Scotland’s Redress Scheme. We want to be open and transparent about how your feedback helps to improve the work that we deliver across Redress Scotland.

During 2023/24 we undertook our first engagement sessions with survivors, organisations that support survivors and legal representative to seek your feedback.

There were key issues and areas for improvement that you told us were important to you.

Here are some examples of changes we have made as a result of your feedback:

1- You told us that you would like to be kept up to date with the progress of their application when it reaches Redress Scotland

As a result of this, Redress Scotland have introduced new letters that we send to applicants in relation to the progress of their application. The first of these letters informs survivors when their application has been received by Redress Scotland. This is then followed up by a second letter which informs survivors that their application has been allocated to a panel. If there are any changes to the panel sitting date then we communicate this with a further letter.

2- You told us that you felt the process of applying for redress was complicated and they did not understand the various stages

As a result of this, Redress Scotland created an animated video to help individuals see each stage of the application process in a simple and clear manner. This sits alongside our step-by-step guide. You can access both of these on our website.

3- During our online engagement sessions with survivor organisations we were told that they would like more regular updates about the work that goes on within Redress Scotland.

As a result of this feedback we have introduced a ‘Monthly Focus’ in which we send out monthly updates to survivor organisations about pieces of work that are taking place within Redress Scotland. For example, we send out information on upcoming engagement sessions, reports that we publish and different forms of animations that we are developing

4- You told us that you would like to hear of other survivors’ experience applying to the scheme.

We have created a series of ‘Talking Heads’ video pieces with Redress Scotland staff members, a panel member and a survivor. We hope to do more of these throughout 2024/25 and will also look to include survivors in our ‘Redress Scotland Voices’ series on our news page.

During 2023/24 we have worked directly with you, however, we recognise that throughout 2024/25 there is a need to extend opportunities for feedback and to increase our engagement. Our business plan for 2024/25 will set out how we will do this.

If you would like to provide any feedback about Redress Scotland and the work that we do, please contact us at