In this instalment of our Redress Scotland Panel Members Voices series, we speak to legal expert Safina Din about how her background motivates her to seek justice for survivors.
Safina first joined the Redress Scotland Panel in December 2022. When asked about what inspired her to join the panel, she simply replies: “to help and support survivors of abuse get justice”.
This mission has been a thread throughout her career. Having qualified as a solicitor in 1999, Safina went on to specialise in children, family law and criminal law. Alongside her role as a lecturer, she continues to practice as a solicitor, sits as an Independent Chair for NHS England, as an Employee Member at the Employment Tribunal and as a Disability Qualified Member at the First Tier Social Security Tribunal. At each step of the way, she has used her legal skills to create positive change in her community.
In addition to her professional background, Safina brings personal qualities that she believes are crucial to the panel’s work: empathy, communication, and teamwork.
Along with her fellow panellists, Safina underwent extensive training before joining Redress Scotland. This she describes as “excellent”, “practical” and “survivor focussed”. She believes the panel has a key role to play in acknowledging survivors’ stories, respecting their experiences, and making decisions on applications.
Above all, she has this message for survivors:
“I feel privileged to be able to make informed decisions on applications that are submitted applying the legal framework. I will always be sensitive in my approach by listening to the stories of survivors ensuring that they get justice.”