If you are looking for more information regarding your application, please email enquiries@redress.scot

If you have any feedback for Redress Scotland, please email hello@redress.scot

For all media enquiries, please email communications@redress.scot or Scott MacArthur, Communications Lead, scott.macarthur@redress.scot

For freedom of information and subject access requests, and all data-related enquiries, please email information@redress.scot.

If you wish to complain about any aspect of Redress Scotland’s service, you can email complaints@redress.scot

Or please write to:

Redress Scotland
PO Box 27177
Glasgow G2 9NL

Redress Support service

Support is available to all applicants, at any stage of the process, through the Redress Support service. You can access this support even if you haven’t applied yet.

The Redress Support service provide non-specialist emotional support sessions, support to access records and practical support such as helping you find scribing services if you need them.

To get support, contact a case worker who’ll send a referral to the Redress Support service.