
Information Requested:

An update and in particular, on timescales now that announcements have been made for applications submitted after July 2024.

Redress Scotland’s Response:

We are unable to provide information relating to a specific application without permission from the applicant. However, I can provide you with the following information about timescales which is available on our website here:

“Most applications received are for Individually Assessed Payment. For the majority of these types of application our current timescales for when we expect the panel to take place are:

• applications received prior to July 2024, within 8 months of being received
• applications received after 1 July 2024, within 10-12 months of being received

Please note that for Individually Assessed Payment applicants who have a terminal illness (priority 1) or who are aged over 68 (priority 2), we would expect a panel to take place within 6 weeks of your application being received.

For all other types of application, our current timescales for when we expect the panel to take place are:

• all applications where applicants have a terminal illness (priority 1) or applicants aged over 68 (priority 2), within 6 weeks of being received

• Fixed Payment and Next of Kin applications, within 8 months of being received

• any application that has been submitted for a Review or a Reconsideration, within 2 months of being received

We will review and update this information on a monthly basis, and we encourage you to check regularly.”

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