
Date received: 28 February 2024
Date responded: 25 March 2024

Information Requested:

I am writing an article on the responses to the historic abuse of children in care in Scotland. I would like to include information on the awards made to individuals through Redress Scotland.
This information is presented in a bar chart in the progress reports published by Redress Scotland. While this is useful, it is difficult to judge the exact figures for the different levels of award. It would be useful to present the numerical figures in an appendix for accuracy.
I would be grateful if you could supply me the figures for the latest progress report up to 31st October 2023.

Redress Scotland’s Response:

As requested, please find attached information on the awards made to individuals through Redress Scotland.
As per our email dated 15 March 2024 and your response received by Redress Scotland on 17 March 2024, we have provided up to date figures to the end of December 2023 rather than October 2023 as initially requested.
(Link to document referenced: FOI-2024-02-002 – Facts and Figures data files Dec 2023 details – Objective ECM (

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