Date received: 12 August 2022
Date responded: 25 August 2022
Information Requested:
1 Are solicitors allowed to take a percentage of a survivors payment even though the Scottish Government have said only solicitors can access a set amount of fees to claim?
2 what can a survivor do if a solicitor has encouraged them to sign forms to allow this ?
3 why haven’t survivors being safeguarded against solicitors and their greedy fees what can they do if this has happened.
Redress Scotland’s Response:
1 Are solicitors allowed to take a percentage of a survivors payment even though the Scottish Government have said only solicitors can access a set amount of fees to claim? Redress Scotland are an independent body responsible for making decisions on applications for redress. The Scottish Government are responsible for all information in relation to legal fees, as such you may be able to request this information from them. Freedom of Information Scottish Government
Under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act Scotland 2002, where public authorities receive requests for information that they do not hold, they must issue notice advising that they do not hold the requested information.
2 what can a survivor do if a solicitor has encouraged them to sign forms to allow this? Redress Scotland are an independent body responsible for making decisions on applications for redress. The Scottish Government are responsible for all information in relation to legal fees, as such you may be able to request this information from them. Freedom of Information Scottish Government
Under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act Scotland 2002, where public authorities receive requests for information that they do not hold, they must issue notice advising that they do not hold the requested information.
3 why haven’t survivors being safeguarded against solicitors and their greedy fees what can they do if this has happened? Redress Scotland are an independent body responsible for making decisions on applications for redress. The Scottish Government are responsible for all information in relation to legal fees, as such you may be able to request this information from them. Freedom of Information Scottish Government
Under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act Scotland 2002, where public authorities receive requests for information that they do not hold, they must issue notice advising that they do not hold the requested information.